Tuesday, November 13, 2018

sometimes you just need to stop

and take a deeper look at what we see

and then close our eyes and let it be

to become free if life’s strange fantasies

there is a void we fill

til we become infinite space 

and turn over our egos will

and let God’s nectar spill

into the chalice we drink from until 

we discover we must pay the bill

and who collects our debts

if life’s credit card is all spent 

so we must trust in what God meant

we all have a purpose it is said 

so we do what is really best

and share what love is  left 

with each and every breath 

 but sometimes you just stop

and hit the button that says pause 

and pray to know the cause

what is happening when we withdraw  

and stand there before God naked and raw

and have laugh at life’s strange seesaw 

sometimes you just need to stop

and take a deeper look at what we see

and then close our eyes and let it be

to become free if life’s strange fantasies

there is a void we fill

til we become infinite space 

and turn over our egos will

and let God’s nectar spill

into the chalice we drink from until 

we discover we must pay the bill

and who collects our debts

if life’s credit card is all spent 

so we must trust in what God meant

we all have a purpose it is said 

so we do what is really best

and share what love is  left 

with each and every breath 

 but sometimes you just stop

and hit the button that says pause 

and pray to know the cause

what is happening when we withdraw  

and stand there before God naked and raw

and have laugh at life’s strange seesaw