Monday, April 15, 2013

The Flower born of the Light of God
Blossoms forth in your soul.
That gift of the precious flower of the One
Brings the Christ to life with blessings to behold.

And the Heart feels the love that has been waiting,
And awakens now to be given new life,
With the owning of Christ’s Consciousness
You find the purpose of why you are here in Earth.

Own the power of this truth,
Be the flower of God’s light
Blossom with the blessings that come
When you live with the love that you come from.

Set your heart to Christ’s Compass of love,
Set your consciousness to God,
Say yes to your true purpose,
 And breathe in the sweet fragrance of heaven above.

And the light in heaven shines down on you,
the petals fall from the flowers that grow
In the garden of the lord
Spring comes with the rebirth in your soul.

Be the holy blossoming of the flower of light
Be centered in the living that love.
For you are the Living Light of God
And you are God’s living Love.