Sunday, April 7, 2013

Before Dawn of each new day

There is a gathering of the Angels,

That come to greet us and lead us on,

Each with a radiance of love's soft light,

With such presence larger than the wings with they show,

Each with a power to open the door to light.

Ah, there they are with that Mona Lisa smile on their bright face.

Can you feel their heart blessing us with heaven’s knowing?

Can you imagine the faith that carries

The breath of the prayer in the secret of their flight

Ah, the legions of angels we may never even know.

The guardians and the ones from the Masters home.

The ones who lead the way for us at the break of each new day.

And the ones who gently guide us on our way, come what may.

And there is a security detail of angels that watch over our lives,

With the influence of such pure grace

That provides for us the strength

To be at peace in this our dwelling place.

And they provide for such protection over this human race.

For there are so many flocks of angels always there,

Who hear our hearts secret prayers and understand the need

For our help to make our way a little more clear.

And when we believe that truth in the heart of our soul,

 we can trust them enough to hold our prayers to where they need to go.

And we can truly believe that when those prayers are freed

They can reach the dream of that is our destiny.

So give heartfelt thanks to the Angels who are there to help us on our way,

Thank the Guardians and the Masters who watch out for us each day.

For we may not know where they come from,

And we may not know where they've go when we move on.

But they are there for us, come what may,

And their brilliance blesses us each day.