Monday, September 26, 2016

A prayer


I am so grateful for all these gifts you've  given

I am almost overwhelmed 

I know that I need your help to manage

the way to share what I have found

let my use my time

to offer all I've found

into some useful way

with your blessings that abound

there is such need in the world lord 

there are so many suffering each day

I feel such need for your healing

to come to the hearts of the lonely ones

lord let me be your servant 

may I love a little more each day

and become a Little kinder

in the way I live today

let your gifts be used

let your voice be heard

let your guidance show the way

to honor your sacred words 

may I walk my talk

may I be considerate and strong

to celebrate your blessings 

and follow the path you guide me on