Sunday, January 15, 2017

miracle of miracled

what is beyond this idea of beyond 
what is here right now 
just another chance to experience 
what the minds perception allows 

what is there that waits to be found
that opening present in you and I  
for every breath can awaken you
and every death brings an awakening too

every now encounter 
and each breath that you take
brings you back to you 
and that spirit that lives forever
that gives you so many chances
 to live and play and do

there is this infinite field of light
with prisms of Gods endless rainbow of rays
vibrate in our consciousness 
as we participate with life each day

with every birth here on earth
 there is this kiss of Gods great Love
that is just waiting to be known 
alive right here in our heart and soul
that this radiant beauty 
can blossom and unfold
if we allow it to grow 

right here in this moment
beyond yesterday and our dreams
we can embrace the magic
of this ultimate reality 
that brings us to another awakening

and this moment sometimes can unveil
into the mirror of life 
and we can discover  the miracle of miracles 
and the cosmic puzzle of God and humankind