Thursday, May 4, 2017

The path 

the path to full moon of May

ignites the vision of Shamballa way

the mystic place where The Masters meet

and share the light that we all seek

so long has been the journey 

that we have traveled on

this never ending road

that leads me to my true home

and there are oh so many souls

that hear the inner calling of the sound

the distant bell that Tolls

the coming of a new dawn 

and though we may be weary

and there is such a long way still to go 

we know that we are carried

by The Master of our soul

and we climb up to the mountain top

and look back to now see

how miraculous the vision is

and we are able to be free

and we can choose to leave

or stay to guide the way

to help others carry on

to see the light of God and pray

we realize we are not alone 

on this pilgrimage we're on

we are all just one

spirit here in form  

and we thank God and all the Masters 

and the Divine Mother and the Son 

for their compassionate understanding 

for the awakening has begun