Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Light workers affirmation 

I am a point of light

within the mind of God

I have within me the presence

of that unlimited guiding light

to guide me through my life  

I have the love of God alive in my heart

with an Ave I hail the Mothers grace  

for I am at one with that infinite love 

and so unite with that point of Gods love in me

I am an instrument for Gods will to be done 

I take time to meditate daily to be in tune 

 with the Masters presence 

i know when do this I am aligned and

 with the cosmic harmony of the universe 

I am at one with the plan of light and love 

I shine forth my true Presence 

to merge with a million myriad rays

of divine Light and love in the world

and I have the power of God with me to overcome 

any egoism that might distract me from 

my fulfilling my divine purpose in live

I am eternally Grateful for this Gift 

of Gods love and light in my life

it is so and so it is