Tuesday, September 12, 2017

breath in the presence of source of pure love  

a love that accepts all you unconditionally 

for who are can not be hidden 

For God always knows 

you are a child of God and you hold

 in you the unlimited light

 from the source of all creation 

is a mirror that reflects this dream of your life 

open your inner eyes to see

the pure gift of spirits infinite rays 

clear any shadow of doubt away

and release all illusions that comes your way

 for behold you are so much more 

than you may even know

you have the connection 

to Gods Presence alive in your soul 

hold open that hearts space and let it show 

the flame of Christ's pure love that grows

and burns with a fire so bright

to protect you throughout the darkest night

so you can be in the presence 

of Gods redeeming grace 

and find that power within

to find the love that truly saves 

breath in the Spirit and come face to face

to be in that sacred space

where you commune with the Source

one to one each day