Sunday, September 10, 2017


what is it you have to work with 

what can be done with your life 

when each breath is a reflection 

of what you're aware of and what you deny

are you really listening 

to some cosmic inner connection 

as your soul is guiding you near

and speaking to you while you're here

can you align it all in time 

this body, spirit and mind

fused for a while as a unit

can you love it enough to really use it

right here and now in this moment divine 

looking at the results of your life 

do you accept and really like

what's there for you to find

are the good and bad things alright 

in this process of life you sometimes fight

can you be still and really see 

God's gift alive in you and me

and you do what you need to do

and know it's somehow ok to review 

 a way of working through this way of living

on this strange planet on which we're spinning