Sunday, October 15, 2017


And in the long shadows I walk

after I heard you passed away 

in The colors of hearts aching call

mixed with leaves of rust that fall

In the reflection of life

That echo in the memory of time

Those realities and fantasies whisper

in the hopes and dreams we find

Soft circles of the spiral 

carry us to the eternal life

Directed by God to find

that connection created by a greater design 

We Are reflections of the image

from the one great Energy force

And we spin between the shadows to the light

with Spirit that carries us through life 

we are the hope of all awakening 

we are the prayer that God redeems

all trying to create the perfect inprint

of some higher archetypal dream  

and we offer up our memories 

and share whatever we can to relate

how this gift of love touches our lives 

and the encore played always gets it right