Saturday, November 25, 2017

Forgiveness will set you free

On each journey through life

Through all of the struggles and pain

You travel through the shadows and illusions You have created while on this Earth plane

And then There comes a moment 

when you need to find a way to be released

And you sense the great compassion 

That is offered when you finally see

And you are bathed in the healing waters 

That cleanse away the pain

And there is a true forgiveness found

And within that blessing you can begin again 

And you learn to inhabit forgiveness

For forgiveness shall set you free 

And you embrace that moment 

when You can open your heart

And see that as you forgive yourself 

You can forgive others too

And embrace life’s great mysteries

And you jump into a pool of love

And you see the you in me

And you understand the road you traveled That brought you here and set you free

And you are baptized with gratitude 

And the thankfulness of a love 

That can heal the past

And all of life’s distractions

And the road that brings you back 

To the truth of this very moment 

And the purpose you now see

And then you are forgiven

And find that with forgiveness 

you are set free