Wednesday, July 1, 2020

God reaches out

how does God reach out to you

what words could speak to your ears to hear 

if you asked for a message to come

would you recognize it when it appears

what is Gods prayer for you

 who carries that precious gift of light

are you really open to receive 

the answers you need in life 

what friend is the messenger

what guardian angel speaks 

the message that you pray for

to make your life complete 

you know you can find an opening

for the blessing of truth to come

when you are really ready 

to receive what must be done 

how does your soul teach you

how does the muse really decide 

how to bless you with a few moments 

that can bridge the arc of time 

give thanks for the blessed messenger

and the writings of the scribe 

and the bridge across space and time 

and all the answers sent 

to guide us in our life