Sunday, February 12, 2017

as it happens

i Am in this moment 

present in the gift of presence

letting go of ego letting go of control 

and allowing whatever I am to be

and breathing in what life may bring

I open my heart to God 

and my awakening to allow

life to happen with happiness as it happens

each and every day

 in this place where no problems appear

 with no wants or desires are here

and for this moment no judgement or fear

always just in the unknown 

with this mysterious  embrace

of life and God  spirit and Man

 in the full process of the purpose

 accepting the light of enlightenment 

 and the love of This miraculous creation 

and how we live with all of its way

of engaging us with each other 

in this time and space

in the fullness of the light of life 

and the prayer of being here