Wednesday, March 5, 2014

the gift of Aloha

The Presence of Aloha

The gift of the Presence of Aloha Is always there
Just waiting for you to open up
And look inside and see the life force
Alive  in each breath of spirit here

Breathe in the breath of Spirit
Breathe in the magic and the light
 Give yourself the gift of the presence
That can illuminate your mind

Bring the silver lining into view
And see the possibilities
That await in every moment
Alive there and waiting inside of you

Make the true connection
To the reason you are here
For there is the presence of aloha
That can bless us when it appears

It opens up our heart
And lets the love there show
It allows us to reach the very spirit
In the oneness of our souls

When you watch the sunrise
Or the sunset at the end of the day
You can feel the magic Presence
That we can discover on our way

Do not miss the chance to be
Alive and present in this life
Share the gift of aloha
and loving kindness that shines with light

Bring the gift of this presence
into your heart right now
and feel the love at work in you
and find a way to share it and watch it grow.

For Aloha hold the spirit in the breath
It allows the presence to be
A living force for good
And a way to truly be happy.