Friday, May 23, 2014

The Workers of Light

We are pilgrims of the Path
Who all work together in their own unique way
Helping to make this world a better place
Using light and love as  tools each day

With arms wide open
And our faces turned to the sky
Walking the path  of freedom
as seekers  with a new reason why

we are here with a  greater purpose for living
as we sow the seeds of love and light
each with a new vision
How to live with peace in our lives

And we breathe in the dream of a better world
And believe we can help to make things right
For there is a new vision that is now happening
As we lay the foundation to bring in more light

And our arms are thrown wide open
And we see that we are unified
For in spirit we are all one
All working with a spirit that’s so  bright

To use the tools God gives us
and bring more happiness  to our lives
and the spirit of good will is present
and it ushers in a higher light