Thursday, February 4, 2016


sounds of morning are calling
Spinning with Life's energy
Calling to accept the clues
creation is here for you to use 

can you hear life calling
Calling forth a new day
Is there any answer you hear 
but to be glad to awake

Reach up and touch the sky
Be Here in  this moment and alive 
Say yes to all of life
the path is yours to find

there's a calling and your answer
as the spinning  planets dancer
one who chooses spirit and this matter
to seek of signs of the great master 

hear the heart's sweet song
and the words that are offered along 
 in the calling that is birthed 
in the awakening of this earth

hear the calling of all life
you are a part of this  space and time
you are the answer you precious dancer
 creations breath is there to take 

sounds of morning are calling
Spinning with Life's energy
Calling to accept the clues
creation is here for you to use