Wednesday, April 6, 2016


lord let me be ok 
with doing what I do each day
sometimes it just seems 
that this work is  just a spinning of a dream 

give me the strength to have the faith
and all the patience that life takes
to get all that needs to be done 
in the time I have to serve the Son

let me turn away from doubt
and all the worry that comes out
when I can't be sure
if what I do makes a difference here

let me find the way
to reach out and find your guidance each day
so I can serve the best I can
and try to lend a helping hand

and Mary let your whisperings speak
with those divine blossoms that fall on me
so I can always find a way
to honor your gifts everyday 

thank you lord for being here
even when I'm not so clear
I need to find the patience it takes
to trust in you and have some Faith

so your light  can shine through me 
in whatever way that you might need
let me serve the best I can 
while living with the love of Gods divine  plan