Friday, September 15, 2017


I search for what was once found

not quite aware that it is right here

so sure that I had it already 

I moved on to the next thing that was there

it's that song that speaks 

the password to my soul

that reminds me of the passion that calls 

and holds the key to tear down all control 

do I hear it in the spirit knocking

or is it the wind that whispers to my soul 

these secret words that unlock clues it holds

saying love is always the answer

love is all you need you know

so I turn and ask to receive 

that Love I need and am told

go to the source within you

feel Gods love fill your heart and soul

if it's all I need I need to feel it 

so right here and now God

let me find a way to make real  

these answers that I am told 

for its not enough to just believe 

I feel I must receive a way to be

able to share what I believe 

With that love is alive in everything