Friday, March 16, 2018

logging in to this day of my life
to see what messages appear
sitting with the presence of energy
that knocks at that inner door  
to clear away any fear
and look into a mirror of my own reflection 
that feeds my mind to greet me here

and I hear the song of spring
a new life that calls me to believe
that there is such good that exists 
beyond what we limitations we believe 
there is a prayer said that is a gift
and a candle for us that is lit
and a soul that hears and answers it 

and if we can but look beyond the dream
there are so many hearts awakening 
to the magnet of God pure energy
that is always waiting for us to see 

todays  page of empty space 
this universe that holds what our life creates
this cosmic magic we define as grace
accepts us until we face
that we are a reflection Gods mystic embrace