Thursday, March 15, 2018

Speaking of God

If I were to speak to you of God 

I would have the voice love to communicate

And share light with these words 

They would be accompanied by bands of angels to carry the sound of light

For there is a radiance

written by the joy God Brings

That Opens the heart to hear words of love

For in Truth their is no Sorrow or Darkness

In the Love of Gods presence

There is only great beauty 

and the fulfillment of the union of ultimate love with the joining of the source of all creation with you here on Earth

Oh to hold the light of the one who knows 

the the power and beauty in the heart of love 

Only the heart that is at one with with God 

Can live in the light of Christ 

for the heart and soul is born of such  love 

That It can understand and comprehend it 

and when the thoughts have been released 

To  the mind of God 

Then you can experience an enlightened consciousness

And then understanding can come 

Open the door to allow you to make 

that inner connection to God 

for then You will find 

The am and I am 

And understand your hearts purpose 

And Live with the joy

As a messenger of Gods love and  light