Friday, May 11, 2012

Let the Blessings Begin

Simply Say Yes to the Infinite Love
That the Christ Spirit radiates
And let it unfold within your Heart.
For in this perfect moment of Allowance
The Love that is the Spirit of God is waiting,
In an infinite Field of Perfect Energy.
And we can meet and bring
 the Love that is right there within us
Into our hearts and souls, into our very Being.
And this love is My Love and God’s gift to you.

This Love is your teacher and your Guide,
This love is a Precious Jewel
And it causes the Light that you are to shine
with the brilliance of a thousand suns.
This Love is the perfect Flower that blossoms
and intoxicates your senses so that you are lifted
To the Garden of Heaven.
This love is the Truth of God, and it is my truth.
Would you behold the joy that this love brings.
Would you put a price on a love such as this.
And how would you celebrate this love
that is given to you unconditionally and freely.
Would you say Yes to this Love?
Would you allow yourself to believe in this love?
Would you open up your heart and soul
 to this love that God is and I am?
For you are this love,
And I am alive as the Christ in this love.
And this love is waiting for you to open the door to your heart
And say Yes, to this love that is right there within you.

Embrace this love, Breathe in this precious love,
And let the flame of this love burn bright with the eternal light
That will guide you and lead you to find the way and the truth and the joy in this Perfect Now moment when you choose
the Love that I am and you are,
and you let the Blessings Begin.