Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Power of Light and Love from the inner
And higher dimensions is now coming forth
To all the ones who are receptive to carry
 this Presence of Spirit into form.
The very nature of form is in deed being
Reformed as the inner is being brought out to the outer
And the outer joined and integrated as one network of light and love.
And as the vibration of God’s Love is brought to Life
We are being asked to receive, renew and regenerate
Our selves to now act on this energy in our lives
So that Heaven can be brought to Earth.
For this energy has been building a foundation here for many, many years,
For many have heard the call and responded.
It is the sweet, sweet calling of the Lord of Light
And the calling of the Christed energy of Love.
That we carry deep in our heart and soul.

And it is now blessing us with the gift of receiving
A new energy from the Cosmos,
For as the cosmos evolve so we evolve
And we are now able to carry and work with this new energy as never before. And as we evolve the cosmos evolve.
And they are able to bring this new frequency to us
as Inspiration in many forms as never before.

The breath of this inspiration may come through the calling of a bird, the breaking of the new day, a song or a smile of love,
We are being lifted in our lives with new gifts.

And one of the result of this is the coming out of the closet.
For so many years, monks, nuns, and pilgrims, have connected with God
In silence, and when they did speak the truth they were shut down
With violence ridicule and a force that was afraid of losing their power
But now we are being asked to all speak our truth, to come out of the hidden places Into the light of a new day. So others may also live and speak their truth.

And we are now at a point where the truth is growing and the foundation of love and light is being fortified.
So that the path is now being made clear for the shift.
Which is a shift in consciousness.
As this shift occurs it will allow us to live the light and love of God,
And be the light and love of God.
And bring the Light and love of God into our lives.

And as we have been called so now we call.
As we have been guided so now we guide.
As we have learned from the Masters and guides
so now we teach and guide.
And we learn through our teaching and
the bringing the inner out to the world.
And in this way we weave the threads of energy throughout
the world and we merge a new and wonderful dimension into being.
We bring Heaven to Earth and Earth to heaven.
We bring Spirit to form and form to spirit.
And we can come together as one
And live in light and love and peace.