Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Universal Blessings of Being
One with the Song of Life
One with the life of the song
United by the energy
That brings us together as one.

With the power of creation
We are joined and so can be
Working together as a universal Nation
And so bring light forth to be
As one loving Planet
That through music sets us free

Universal Blessings of Being
Are here for all to see
To live with a song that is alive
With our hearts and soul
We hold the key
Feel the heartbeat of the world
Hold the mystic energy

Let the Blessing shine down us
Let our lives be healed
And so we celebrate this life
And bring love to the heart of it all

With Universal Blessings
We are sharing the secrets
And we hear the call

Sing the light of creation
And let the light shine bright on me
For the universe holds blessings
Let the blessings be