Thursday, October 13, 2016

from separation to restoration 

from the individual to the  whole

we learn daily how to get past the ego

and the strong control it holds

breath by breath 

in time we trust the soul

and we let the pain and hurt we known 

be released and let go

no more defenses 

nothing to hide

just the naked soul 

that is strong and alive 

the heart of humanity 

can't be denied

it's time for us to unify

for the higher good we have inside

step by step, day by day

this gift of time just slips away

until we stand face to face

with the truth  that lies beyond 

the power of illusions embrace 

and so we forgive

and just let the hurt  go 

and begin once again 

as we continue to grow 

to reflect the love of 

into the reflection of creation 

with the soul now shown

to be who we really are

and with God's love we grow