Wednesday, March 1, 2017

a better world

lord you are with me always 

you are the light within my soul

let the light of your presence 

shine from within to the world to show

for we are beings that are created 

from your one source of energy

the love within the heart of God

is the love alive in you and me

Lord you are the fire

that burns eternally

you are the way and the truth and the life

that guides me though the darkness 

when I am blind and can not see why

you hold the key to open the door

to understanding and the reason were here

let us fulfill our purpose 

and serve your will without fear

help us to overcome I pray

the egos needs that control our way

so we can live with love and light

to lead us to create better life

lord help us restore the planet

and renew the resources that have on it

 let our children voices be heard 

we need to help to save this world