Friday, November 30, 2012

Now open your Heart and BE the Love of God
Let the Light of God’s love come to you
Feel it in your heart and soul
Be it by Believing it is here with you

Let that love fill every part of your
Body mind and soul
Allowing it to heal you with the pure energy
That is at the Heart of God’s love.

Oh, to be open to that love
Believing you are worthy to receive it
So you can live it and celebrate it
And feel it embodied in who you are

For with this love all things are possible
And in this moment of acceptance
Of all that you are
You say Yes to feeling good again

And so you say Yes to God’s Love
Which is at work in you, through you and with you.
You say yes to the power that can restore you to your true identity.

And with this deep acceptance and realization
 you acknowledge  God’s love and light.
You become the love of God.
And are the light of God’ love in action.
As a living being that holds the truth
 and reflection of God here in form.

And in this moment you are redeemed
With a breath of deep gratitude
For this gift of God’s love here with now and always