Thursday, November 10, 2016


search deep within
for the grace of acceptance 
reach that place inside 
where the power of Peace abides 

let go of upset anger that appears 
let go of darkness and disappointment there
and realize that never helps 
and that only love can conquer fear 

there is a point 
where you can be able to reach 
a point of acceptance 
and begin to see

you are not of this world 
but just visitor to this material  plane
who spends some time here for a while
and lives and loves laughs and smiles 
and sometimes cries  through the trials

and as a observer on this journey 
that we travel on
we see some things that disturb our mind
but always know that we can find

the answers to understanding 
are waiting  for you there inside 
you can see from a objective state of mind
what those who create these realities hope to find

decide which way you want to be
and let go of sadness so you can see
that this will all pass in good time
and life is good when you can find

and we can choose our way to live  
and God gives us this space where we create
and it only a matter of time 
til you find a need to reach 
that place of acceptance 
and a way to be at peace inside